January 8, 2020 is the annual reorganization meeting of the planning board. It is primarily a business meeting where a chairman and vice chairman are elected from the board membership. The board’s rules and regulations are readopted by resolution, these rules can be amended but that action does not typically occur at the initial meeting of the planning board for that year. The meeting dates for the upcoming year are also adopted by resolution.

 The members of the planning commission are listed on the agenda. My assumption is that they are either sitting members or recently appointed by the mayor. These appointments are typically made at Township committee meeting depending if a vacancy on the board is to be filled. Members whose terms have expired are either reappointed or replaced as well.

An explanation of the different classes of planning board members will be posted later. The planning board consists of nine members plus two alternates. There are no specific qualifications designated in New Jersey’s municipal land use Law for appointment to the planning board. Members of the board must be residents of Middletown with one exception.

As to the appointment process in Middletown, I have no knowledge that I can share at this time. In the future, however, I may provide some commentary on the political appointment process that I have experienced over the years. At this time was simply point out that regardless of political affiliation, board members are your neighbors and possibly even your friends. Hopefully they are there to develop a vision for Middletown’s future. That job takes a lot of time and energy and those efforts should be recognized, for better or for worse. It is a tough job!

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