Middletown is home to 65,311 persons in with nearly 50 mi.² resulting in a Township population density is nearly 1600 people per square mile. Middletown is a fairly young town where the median age is 47.6 years; 58% of the people living in the Township are in the 18 to 64 age category.


Middletown is homogeneous lacking diversity. 80% of the population is white only 1% black and 6% are Hispanic.

Economically Middletown is in the higher percentile with a $64,310 per capita income is 10% higher than Monmouth County. Annual Household income is $120,751 which is 20% higher than the county median. Only 3.6% of the residents are below the poverty line. Middletown’s Poverty rate is low in respect to the county which is 6.9% and state which is 10%.


There are 25,519 households in the Township with 2.6 persons per household. 75% of the households are our occupied married couple. Township. Middletown Housing units have an occupancy of 97%. Of all the housing units in Township 88% are owner occupied and 90% of the housing units are single-family homes. The median value of homes that are owned is $441,400 equivalent to Monmouth County.


Middletown has an educated residential base where 95.5% have a high school education or higher. 46% have a bachelor’s degree or higher. This is consistent with the county and state.