
The planning board may prepare and, after public hearing, adopt or amend a master plan or component parts thereof, to guide the use of lands within the municipality in a manner which protects public health and safety and promotes the general welfare.

Master Plan & Re-examination Report 40:55D-28 Preparation; contents; modification. 

  1. The planning board may prepare and, after public hearing, adopt or amend a master plan or component parts thereof, to guide the use of lands within the municipality in a manner which protects public health and safety and promotes the general welfare.
  2. The master plan shall generally comprise a report or statement and land use and development proposals, with maps, diagrams and text, presenting, at least the following elements (1) and (2) and, where appropriate, the following elements (3) through (16):

(1) A statement of objectives, principles, assumptions, policies and standards upon which the constituent proposals for the physical, economic and social development of the municipality are based;

(2) A land use plan element (a) taking into account and stating it relationship to the statement provided for in paragraph (1) hereof, and other master plan elements provided for in paragraphs (3)

through (14) hereof and natural conditions, including, but not necessarily limited to, topography, soil conditions, water supply, drainage, flood plain areas, marshes, and woodlands; (b) showing the

existing and proposed location, extent and intensity of development of land to be used in the future for varying types of residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational, educational and

other public and private purposes or combination of purposes; and stating the relationship thereof to the existing and any proposed zone plan and zoning ordinance; and (c) showing the existing and

proposed location of any airports and the boundaries of any airport safety zones delineated pursuant to the “Air Safety and Zoning Act of 1983,” P.L.1983, c.260 (C.6:1-80 et al.); and (d) including a statement of the standards of population density and development intensity recommended for the municipality;


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