Executive summary commentary

In addition to County state and federal lands and facilities, ” the Township primarily provides the neighborhood and community parks to serve the closer to home needs of the residents. “The Township primarily provides the neighborhood and community parks to serve the closer to home needs of the residents. Township and schools provide most of the active recreation facilities in the community.” In the executive summary of the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan


According to the text of the executive summary – “there is a strong desire to maintain and upgrade the parks and open space system.” It also describes future needs for indoor fitness and exercise facilities, walking and biking trails, indoor swimming pool/water parks, and indoor ice rink.


There is further detail regarding these facilities in the future vision of parks and open space. The executive summary can be accessed on the Middletown website


I’ll let you come to your own conclusion about these needs and how they may affect you and your families. Having gone through this form of ambitious recreational planning in a similar municipality in St. Louis. There is no doubt in my mind that a a designated tax for recreational facilities would be required to implement this plan. It is ambitious and expensive. The priorities for each facility should be examined. Development of these facilities and the funding for each needs close public scrutiny.

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